Better to have them and not need them than to need them and not have them, don't you think?

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I finally watched the 27-minute version of "Atomic Cover-up" on PBS. What a wonderful piece of work. This is powerful and will have impact on everyone who sees it. This is the evidence and the mental picture the younger generations need. I'm seeing them realize that boomers (like me) can only make things worse, and I'm sensing them taking the reins. This documentary will be a tool for them.

It is beyond insanity to spend trillions of dollars building machines that can NEVER be used. What was Obama thinking when he started this program? Watching "Chimp Empire" on Netflix and seeing truly amazing footage of a war between 2 large tribes of chimpanzees in Uganda, I marvel that humans haven't yet made the jump from animal to fully human. How could people in 2023 not realize that we either outgrow war or die. We learn to live together as brothers or perish together as fools.

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